Jumat, 16 Maret 2018

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1: Movie Review

“Pengabdi Setan”

I prefer to wach horor movie than action or drama because the horor movie make me chalanged even though the ghost scene always haunted me hehehe. And there it comes " The pengabdi setan/Satanic Worshiper " that makes me wonder. After I watch, there are realy spooky ghost seen i ever watch before hihihi. I hope a Sequel of this Movie.

Rini lives in the suburbon city of Jakarta in an old house belong to her Grandmother Rahma Saidah. She lives with her mother named Mawarni, father and three little brother Toni, Bondi and Ian. The story begin when They can not afford to cure the   sick mother. The condition is worsen. the mother can only lying on the bed and not be able to move her body. When the mother need help she can only hit the bell prepared near her. Used tobe She was a singer with a hit song “Kelam Malam”. Until one day She got sick and getting worse for years without knowing the couse. One day Rini found her mother fall of the bed and made the condition even worse. All the effort to heal the desease to no avail and finnaly she died.  In the funeral they were met with an Ustad (Religious preacher) and his son Hendra to help them in the mourn. After the mother passed away, her Father went to a city. He tries  to pawn the house.

The death of her Mother is the beggining of the teror. They were haunted by the figure that look like their mother. The grand mother found by Bondi dead in the well without knowing the cause.  In Grand Mother badroom, Rini found a grand mother letter for Budiman. Budiman was a friend of her grand mother. Rini deliver the letter to Budiman acompanied by hendra. Budiman, a writer, tell them that The Grand mother was not agree about their parent marital and presume she will not get any offspring. The mother is believed to have followed some kind of Satanic Worshiper sekt to have offspring.  Meanwhile Bondi  after found his Grandmother death begin possesed by spirit and try to hurt his brother, Ian.  The spirit tried to catch Bondi by playing hide and seek. Tony read a “Maya Magazine” that he got from Budiman writting that state that Ian probably will be taken when he reach 7 years old by Satanic Worshiper Sekt. Rini is not believe all of those thing. But after all the happening They begin to ask advise to Ustad. And were told to do more spiritual activity. One night when Rini performing a pray, She met with her mother look-like spirit and made the entire family run away the house to ustads house. Meanwile Hendra come to Budimans appartement after He as ask to come to him and tell Hendra that Budiman has some change to the article that He write. In the way home Hendra had an accident and was run over by a truck. He died on the seen. Rini found the article. When She got to Ustad house she met Hendra Sighting and help by Ustad. Ustad feel sad by the lost of his Son. When their father come He bring home all of them and feel sad when was told about ther Grand Mother death. 

(Things begin to spooky and I started  to be scared) when Ian was pulled by his GrandMother to the well when He was trying to take a pee but saveed  by His Father. All the sudden they were surround by the living dead, the satan worshiper. Rini, Toni and the Father was lock in stair hall way separate with Bondi and Ian.  And the living dead is going away after their father ask for forgivnes to Their Mother and Grand Mother. In the Next Moring they prepared to move to an appartement but the Vehicle that supposed to carry them not arrive. The ustad that promise to pick them up ask for forgivnes.  In the middle of the night Bondi Found Ian, who was nat able to speak, speak a foreign language that they unable to understand . All The dead is arrise in the cemetary near their house. And they found Ustad has dead with the knife stad to his body. They were supprise when Ian walk to the dead acompany by the mother (Mawarni). The living dead surround the house from the back door.  The grand mother tries to block them. The grand mother tries to protect them after all this long.The story end when Budiman arrive to take them to the appartement. But they live without Ian :"(

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